2024 has started off with me concentrating on some projects just for myself. I'm currently painting over 100 wooden tiles for our staircase kickboards aswell as some wee things for friends and family.
Last year I took part in the Postcards From Home exhibition raising money for Grampian Hospital Arts Trust. People were invited to bag a mini piece of art, from over 100 professional and amateur artists from near and far who contributed over 260 stunning artworks. The theme of the exhibition was 'seasons'.
I was delighted to be one of the artists chosen to take part in The Big Hop Trail raising money for the fantastic CLAN in 2023. My hare, Jack O'Hare, was on display all summer in Ballater Square, and raised £3,000 at auction.
Timelapse Films
Visit my films page to see some timelapse films of me painting some large sculptures.